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Understanding the Differences between iOS and Android App Development - Classi Blogger

Understanding the Differences between iOS and Android App Development

Learning about the differences between android and iOS app development is very important for businesses opting to acquire a full-flexed mobile app. Whichever platform you choose, the app development company will explain you the benefits of that particular platform and why it is best to put your app in the App Store or Google Play.

For example, if a client has a narrow target audience, higher security concerns, and demands a high ROI, then they would prefer an iOS app over an Android app. However, if they’re already creating a new product that could be likely stretched to a larger Android market, there are plenty of questions to answer.

Differences between iOS and Android App Development -classiblogger
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  • Why should I opt for iOS app development only?
  • Is this the best bet to put my app in the app store considering my audience?
  • Is pulling the Android users beneficial? Or will it just dilute my brand image and essence?

These are some important questions that clients and businesses need to answer, hence, understanding the differences between Android and iOS app development becomes vital.

Here are the differences that should help you in deciding which to choose for your particular project.

Programming language

Android apps are built on Kotlin and Java, while the iOS counterparts are built in Swift. One major difference between iOS and Android apps is that iOS apps require less coding, therefore, are built faster. While Swift also enables high interaction interfaces, but are platform dependent.

On the other hand, Java helps developers with server-based tasks and web and mobile app development. Hence, if you’re thinking about acquiring a cross-platform mobile app, then Android apps are a better choice.

Design elements

The design strategy and output is perhaps the most impressive feature in the iOS apps. This is mainly because iOS design features are quite different from those of Android apps and are confined to limited screen sizes and resolutions and devices.As for Android development, apps are developed to fit various screen sizes and for almost every device.

The further differences come in the design interface which greatly influences the quality and extent of user engagement and the journey throughout the app. The navigation features is extremely vital as it generates a sense of flow and in-app use being one of the decisive factors for pulling conversions. Such design elements are prioritized when choosing the right platform for your project.


In spite of offering different app marketing models, iOS apps are primarily focused on making money from app purchases, while the Android app development is about ad monetization.

Generally speaking, in-app purchases offer a steady, yet considerable growth for both platforms and fare better than paid apps or ads through time. If you’re thinking about the freemium option as your monetization strategy, you should also acknowledge that users are getting used to consume more and more free content across the web. Strictly sticking to a paid app or features option should only be considered when there is a genuinely irreplaceable, lucrative user need. Apparently, it all goes down to understanding your target market well.

Target audience

Success in terms of downloads or purchases will never be seen unless the app considers all the relevant demographics underlying the core needs of the target audience. Generally speaking, users of Apple products are taken to have higher income and invest more hours with their devices.

Additionally, there are further pointers that both developers and clients should consider in order to avoid going for a wrong platform. This is where the definition and essentials of your target audience comes into question.

Development timeline

It is not as easy as it seems to precisely estimate the cost-effectiveness and speed of your iOS or Android app development. While there are plenty of factors on board related to development timeline given your specific project.

For example, due to the variety of devices available in the market and complexity in coding, the timeline for Android app development is about 30 to 40% longer, apparently, extensive development timeline also calls for higher associated costs.

On the other hand, iOS apps undergo a stricter acceptance criteria in the App Store as compared to the multiple submissions done for Android apps in shorter time intervals.

Nirmal Anandh M
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Nirmal Anandh
Hi, this is Nirmal Anandh M alias Muthu Vinayagam from the "Temple City", Madurai. I am the Founder of this blog. My profession is, as a CEO in ATHIRA Web Services. It's about Work From Home Jobs, Affiliate Marketing, E-Publishing, Data Conversion and Data Entry Projects. you can connect with me @ Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest , LinkedIn, Flipboard, Medium and Youtube.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. This is a nice post regarding difference between android app development and IOS app development. Thankyou for the post , It helps me a lot.

  2. aditya roy kapur says:

    Every difference of IOS and Android application is explained perfectly. Thanks for sharing awesome article.

  3. While talking about the ecosystem Apple is well built, I hope it will soon be in Android!

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