Yes, it is true that there is a huge tendency among website designers to opt for flat design and indeed it works out for them and according to the recent details from the tech world, popularity of flat designs are increasing rapidly and many startups businesses are opting for these flat designs, because they do give positive results.
For those who do not know flat design is a kind of design that consists of minimalistic style, solid colors and high quality typography. You know since the Windows 8 arrived in back in 2012, so experts from the tech world have so far witnessed a reasonable increase as far as the use of flat design is concerned. Followings are some unavoidable attributes of Flat design, so make sure you go through them all.
1. In its simplicity, it succeeds to deliver everything
I know you will have heard of the statement “Less Is More” and yes no doubt you will hear it again when it comes to this specific kind of design. As far i am concerned so I have found that compared to over complicated graphics and horrible illustrations, the flat design succeeds to draw the attention of people to the content itself.
2. No doubt it is a minimalist design
In the tech world, you will hear every single website designer calling flat design as a minimalist design. You know the attribute which many website designers like about this flat design is that it is not cluttered and easier to clearly navigate around. People are able to properly focus on one specific section at a time without getting fully and badly distracted.
3. If it is flat so means it flat
There will be less tech-savvy people around you and trust me guiding them about flat design is like hammering a head for me. You must understand that in a flat design every element has a 2D appearance and the usage of proper texture, Proper 3D effects and drop shadows happen to be very minimal and that allows every single element to properly shine on its own.
4. Simple elements of flat design benefits you more
Yes, it is true that simple elements of flat design have very clear and easy to understand message and trust me properly executed icon define the services of any business in a faster way than any complicated illustration or photo.
5. I love colors used in flat designs
Many people ask me that if it is flat design so it may lack dimension, come on, get a life man, you know it is not the case and creating extremely simple artwork, actually enables the designers to really spend time on creating highly matched color palettes. This practice includes both bold and some muted tones and that eventually brings up the depth to a design and get you achieve what you mean to achieve from flat design.
6. Clean and simple typefaces
The reason why majority of businesses ask designers to provide them flat designs, is just because the typography in them, happens to be simple, understandable and readable. You know well-chosen fonts will really help your website to stand apart from the crowd and give you an edge over your competitors. You must remember that the typography that is used in the flat designs, really help to explain the true message of your business to the target audience.
7. It gives your users a better experience
Trust me that flat designs really succeed to give you the better results in the shape of satisfactory response from your target audience and customers. Your flat designed website is able to get loaded at the lightning speed and the interesting factor personally i like about is that it works on every form of gadget and that is indeed the plus point for any business to grow in terms of having high number of traffic on the site.
Listen, as time goes by so majority of businesses are opting for flat designs and that is because it really gives the fast results, which you can never think of with extremely complicated designs. Flat design is what which directs your users to focus on the services and products properly because the flat designed website is what which does not consist of any kind of complications and enables users to do what they mean to do on the site without being irritated by the low performance of a site.
Author bio
Lauren Ebsary is a digital artist at Assignment Help Deal. She is also a savvy online marketer who seeks blogging as a way to inform readers about current trends in online marketing, graphic design and blogging. You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.