Do you want to stop snore while sleeping?
This is the article you must read. It is said that snoring is often due to overindulgence (satisfaction) in some of the life’s pleasures. The sound you hear when someone snores is caused by the vibration of the relaxed, floppy tissues that line your upper respiratory tract. Instead of air flowing smoothly through the lungs it flows with the gusts and rusts.
Even a long day work may desperately make you snore sometimes. Are you one among 45% of normal adults who snore at least occasionally? Or your snoring problem has started to be a chronic one?
Do you like to cure the problem of snoring and like to stay calm while you sleep?
Let’s check out the ways to get rid of snoring here:
Instead of depending on the stop-snoring pills which may be harmful to your body try to follow these remedies.
Lose Weight:
The first and foremost step for snoring may be your overweight. Check your weight once, calculate your BMI. If you have the right body index mass then there is nothing to change. If your Body index mass is more then it means that you should definitely reduce weight.
But however, for some people it works well but for some may not work. Also, if you have more body fat around your neck, it squeezes the internal diameter of the throat making it more likely to trigger snoring.
Also Read:
Simple Ways to Lose your Weight
Alcohol or sedatives makes the throat sore and thus may cause snoring. Also, drinking alcohol four to five hours before you go to bed makes snoring even worse. Even people who don’t normally snore may snore after they take alcohol.
Stay well Hydrated:
Drink lot of fluids especially plain water which prevents the Snoring. Researchers say that snoring may occur also due to dehydration. It is necessary for women to take 11 cups of water daily apart from all other foods and fluids and men should take 16 cups of water daily.
Open nasal passages:
When your nasal passages don’t have enough clear way to breathe fresh air then it triggers snoring. It may be due to cold or any other problem your nasal passage may be blocked causing this problem. A hot shower before you go to bed can help you to open nasal passages.
Also, practicing Pranayama, an authentic Yogasanam may also help you to get rid of this problem.
Other solutions like changing the position you sleep, changing the pillow or bed you sleep having good healthy sleep regularly may also help to get out from this problem.
In addition to this, do the following test to determine what kind of snorer you are so that you can take appropriate treatments according to that.
Nose Test:
Looking at the mirror, try to close one of your nostrils and leaving other open. Let your mouth be shut at that time. Try to inhale excess of fresh air through the nostril that is open. If you are able to inhale properly your nostril that is open is having no problem. Repeat the same with other nostril.
If you find any of the nostrils to be blocked due to cold or any other problem then it means you may be snoring through “NOSE.” If you find this, you can get the appropriate treatment according to that or follow the remedies concentrating on the nose issues.
Try Breathe Right nasal strips for this with your physician’s advice.
Watch the Video Here and learn how to do this nose test.
Mouth Breathing Test:
Open your mouth and make the snoring noise. Now close your mouth and make the same snoring noise. If you not able to make the noise when your mouth is shut it means that you snore through “MOUTH”.
Try Snore Calm Chin-up strips that helps to keep your mouth shut. Use it under proper medical advice.
Watch the Video about Mouth Breathing Test.
Tongue Test:
If you do not fell in to above two categories then it means you may be snoring through your “TONGUE”. Try to stick your tongue out as far as you could bring it. Try to make a snoring sound by gripping the tongue between your teeth. If your snoring sound is reduced when you bring your tongue in the forward position then it means that you are a “Tongue based snorer”.
Check out this Video for Tongue Test.
Finally, practice all the remedies above and these simple practices might make a huge difference.
Still you don’t know how to stop snoring. Don’t worry, you can Try this Exercise. The amazing stop snoring exercises are here.
Recommended Products:
Adjustable Night Guard Mouthpiece Sleep Aid
Doctor’S Nightguard Advanced Comfort, 1 Box
Breathe Right Nasal Strips, Extra, 26-Count Box
Snoring Jaw Strap by American Snoring. #1 Ranked Device on the Market
Snorepin – The Smarter Solution Against Snoring and Sleep Apnea
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Snoring is one big dilemma many really find it difficult to control. I now do understand why many snore whiles sleeping.
I think the intake of alcohol is the main factor of those friends of mine snore!
Intake of Alcohol and smoking is the main cause of snoring. By smoking, the lungs get contract and it leads to snore. Thanks for stopping by man. Keep coming.
Hi Nirmal,
Informative post about snoring 🙂
Yes, many people face the problem of snoring and no matter how hard you try or what medicines you take, they can’t get alright due to various reasons.
Some people even say it’s all connected to the heart and snoring is an indication that you have heart problems also, so one can’t really say what could be the cause. But I’ve seen people get cured because of Yoga and leading a healthy lifestyle and that works.
Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Hi Mam,
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, doing yogasana is one of the best way and easy way to stop snoring. Women’s are most affected by this because of their husband. While comparing to women, men’s snore more.
Anyway thanks for commenting here and appreciation. Keep coming.
அன்புடையீர் ,
குறட்டையினால் என்னைச்சுற்றி இருப்பவர்கள் பாதிக்கப்படுகிறார்கள் !
இதை நிறுத்தும் வழிகளை மெயில் அனுப்பினால் நலம்.
அன்பும் வணக்கங்களும்.
I am not taking alcohol ,no smoking but why do i snore?
obesity is my problem.
Avoid Alcohol. Alcohol and sedatives reduce the resting tone of the muscles in the back of your throat, making it more likely you’ll snore. “Drinking alcohol four to five hours before sleeping makes snoring worse. “People who don’t normally snore will snore after drinking alcohol.”
Snoring is something that many do not like, even those who snore themselves. You should not be demorolized though because there is a cure for everything.
I stumbled upon a guide/review of MySnoring Solutions, a chin strap that will help you stop snoring ASAP.
You can read more about that here: https://sleepingzones.com/my-snoring-solution-reviews/
If you snore and you really want to get rid of it, read that article since it has all the answers you need. I got help and so will you.
Great Post 🙂
Thanks for guiding. This article really gonna help snorer to stop snoring doing exercise. But In some case people don’t get time doing exercise then they can quit snoring using some Anti Snoring Devices like Stop Snoring Mouthpeice which are easily available Online. You can order Anti-Snoring Mouthguard by clicking here:- https://www.quitsnoringsolution.com
My mom has been complaining about how dad snores all the time and she can’t get any sleep because of him. She would really like to get some help from a professional so that he can stop snoring and they can both get more sleep. I’ll be sure to tell her about how he might want to change his sleeping position and open up the nasal passages as well as having a hot shower before bed.
I’m a sleep study assistant, and I learned some great lessons about snoring from your post, thanks
Great job