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Slim down with Simple Yogasanas - Classi Blogger

Slim down with Simple Yogasanas

Mentioned below are the steps to slim down with simple yogasanas.

Everyone will be familiar with the term “Yoga” since it is one of the ancient practices followed by our country for many ages. It has benefited many people who have practiced it regularly. It works under the formula of “Sound Mind in Sound Body”.

In today’s fast paced age, yoga becomes more necessary for a healthy body and a stress free life. Yoga can give a tremendous change in a body by turning a person’s body as he/she wishes. It can either help the person to gain weight or to lose weight.

To lose weight naturally, Yoga is the best way since its slow and steady process bringing down the weight healthily and effectively and gives longer lasting results.

Just remember 3D’s principle:  “Discipline, Determination and Dedication” when practicing yoga.  Here are the lists of simple Yogasanas which helps you to reduce weight naturally.

But, along with the 3D principle also remember that yoga can be simpler but not easy. When you start doing it, you must take it as a serious task and practice it regularly. Only regular practice makes a person flexible, healthy, and fit and also turns Yoga into an easiest exercise.

Let’s see few simple asana which will really help you to reduce more fat. These fat burning yoga exercises will help you kick starting metabolism and in building healthy lean muscle tone.

Fast ways to slim your stomach

Wind-Relieving Pose:


This fat burning yoga pose is great for burning abdominal body fat. Try the step by step procedure to practice this yoga.

Step 1:

Lie down on the floor and bring your knees up to your chest region with your ankles together.

Step 2:

Clasp your arms together over the knees as you bring the head up on the floor.

Step 3:

Breathe slowly and feel your abs gets stretched at that stage.

Step 4:

Repeat this three times. This asana is called as “Pavanamukthasana” where pavana in Sanskrit means wind, muktha means relieve.

Benefits of this asana:

  • Tones the leg and arm muscles.
  • Strengthens back bone muscles and abdominal muscles.
  • Helps in digestion and release of gas.
  • Massages the intestines and other organisms.
  • Reduces over weight.

But remember, avoid practicing this asana if you are facing the following health disorders such as high blood pressure, heart problem, menstruation, neck and back problem and during pregnancy.


For more details visit:

Cobra pose:


Even the beginners can get good results with this simple yoga posture which helps to firm the back and tone the abs.

Check the step by step procedure for this:

Step 1:

Lie your face down on the floor. Let the top of the feet lie flat on the ground.

Step 2:

Press your legs and hips down.  Place your hands under the shoulders, palms down and fingers spread apart.

Step 3:

Press into your hands and lift your half body up so that your chest, head and upper portion is off the mat.

Step 4:

Stay in that position for 15 to 30 seconds taking deep breathe.     This asana is called as “Bhujangasana” where “Bhujanga” in Sanskrit means serpent.

Benefits of this Yoga:

      • Firms and tones the buttocks.
      • Increases flexibility.
      • Strengthens arms and shoulders.
      • Decreases stiffness of lower back.
      • Strengthens the spine.
      • Reduced abdomen fat.

To know more about this asana, visit:

Bow Pose:

bow pose-classiblogger-image

This is a kind of advanced yoga pose but helps more to shed the extra weight in the abdominal areas, back, arms, etc.

Check this yoga’s procedure:

Step 1:

Lie down on the floor so that your stomach rests on the floor. Now, bend your knees and grab it around the feet.

Step 2:

Pull in your stomach and extend your feet upward, raising your upper body at the same time.

Step 3:

Stay in that position of half-Chakar and hold breath and then relax.       This asana is called as “dhanurasana” where “Dhanu” in Sanskrit means bow.

Benefits of this asana:

      • Stimulates the reproductive organs
      • Opens up the chest, neck and shoulders.
      • Release menstrual discomfort and constipation.
      • Good stress and fatigue buster.
      • Reduces abdomen fat and strengthens muscles.

Do not practice bow asana if you are suffering with hernia, high or low blood pressure, neck injury, etc.

Everything Begins & End with us

For more details visit:

Practice these three asanas on an initial basis. Do it regularly and you will start feeling that Yogasanam is simpler and easier and more over these asanas will really help you to enter into the yoga world making other asanas equally simpler.

Are you doing yoga regularly? Then give your feedback regarding above mentioned yogasanas.

Your comments are welcome.

Don’t forget to share this info. on social networks.

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Nirmal Anandh M
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Nirmal Anandh
Hi, this is Nirmal Anandh M alias Muthu Vinayagam from the "Temple City", Madurai. I am the Founder of this blog. My profession is, as a CEO in ATHIRA Web Services. It's about Work From Home Jobs, Affiliate Marketing, E-Publishing, Data Conversion and Data Entry Projects. you can connect with me @ Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest , LinkedIn, Flipboard, Medium and Youtube.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. These are some great advice, i completely loved the article. I am definitely gonna try this. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I have been a month old and of course I have seen and felt many changes personally and internally, but what has caught my attention the most is that I do not stop doing yoga for more than a day, the body and my inner self ask me . Happy!! and thanks for your support.

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