With the advent of the internet, earning passive income on a part-time basis has really become very easy.
There are dozens of part-time jobs present online for all kinds of people. Whether you are a highly educated professional or just a high school dropout, you can easily find a part-time job that fits your qualification.
With my experience of over 10 years working online, I can tell you some of the best part-time jobs that can generate constant revenue month after month and year after year.
Here are some of the part-time income opportunities that don’t need much investment to get started.
1. Freelancing Writing
Freelance writing is one of the best ways to earn an income working part-time with zero investment.
You don’t have to be a great writer to earn money from freelancing. You have to write content for websites, blogs, and various other online journals.
You get paid for each word you write. Rates depend upon the client you write for. It can be $.01 to $.1 for each word.
I started my career as a content writer for different websites. I also wrote guest posts for many blogging sites and individual bloggers.
If you are new then you can go to upwork.com to find different types of freelance writing jobs.
You don’t need any money to get started.
2. Blogging
Once you have gained some experience as a freelancer you can graduate to blogging.
Blogging is where you can make some serious money. However, blogging is a bit harder than freelance writing.
For blogging, you have to open a free blog on websites, find a niche and learn about SEO. You have to put in some effort before you start generating money.
Once you start getting traffic to your blog you can monetize it with Google Adsense. Google Adsense pays you for each click.
Bloggers in India are making well over $1000 per month. So if you work little harder then you can make even more.
There are many successful bloggers around that can inspire and guide you to become a successful blogger.
3. Data Entry Work
If you are less qualified and find freelance writing or blogging difficult then you can go for data entry work.
There are different types of data entry work.
Simple data entry work can be copy & paste where you format MS Word document according to the given instructions.
Most common data entry work is where you convert image files into word documents. You read paragraphs from an image file and write it down into MS word.
You get paid for each paragraph you convert.
More complex data entry work is transcribing audio files into work documents. Transcriptionist jobs are not for everyone because they require some prior experience.
However, money that you make is 4 to 5 times more than average data entry work.
Caution! Most of the data entry jobs that you come across online are fraud. So be careful before you choose a company to work for.
4. Gigs On Fiverr
Fiverr is one of the most popular websites for finding part time jobs.
You can become a seller and start offering your services for minimum $5 and maximum $10,000.
Whether you are a designer, writer, developer, musician, artist or a traveler you can find all kinds of gigs on Fiverr.
Many people from India and its neighboring countries are making money from Fiverr.
Initially, it may take some time to get projects but after some time you can earn a lot of money working part-time on Fiverr.
5. Online Tutoring
Online tutoring has become very popular in recent years. There are two ways to become an online tutor.
- Work for Tutor.com – If you are new then you can join websites like Tutor.com and start offering your services. You conduct classes through Skype or Google hangout and get paid for each session you conduct. In India, you can get paid $10 – $20 for a 45 minutes long session.
- Start Your Own Tutoring Service – You can also start your own tutoring service and get paid by charging fees from your students. You can teach subjects like English, History, Math, Literature, law etc.
Online tutoring hardly needs some investment to get started.
6. Online Micro Jobs
Finally for young people who find writing or data entry work not their cup of tea can try online micro jobs. There are different kinds of micro jobs that can be done online on a part-time basis.
Some of them are
- PTC Jobs – You get paid for clicking ads. For each click, you earn $.001.
- Survey Jobs – Here you fill out forms and get paid for each form you fill. It may take 5 minutes to 20 minutes filling a form.
- Viewing Ads and Reading Email – You also get paid for viewing ads and reading emails.
So these were an example of some online micro jobs.
However, money that you make is very less. After so much hard work you will not earn more than $75 a month with micro-jobs.
You can choose any one of them according to your qualification. All of the above-mentionedpart-time jobs hardly require any investment to get started.
thank for your sharing
really ? ill try. Thank for your sharing
you did very needful information .
Useful content. I would like to share with more friends.
Hello Nirmal,
This is really very nice and awesome article and thanks for sharing this amazing article.
It is really very good.
Great article, Lucky me i ran across your site by accident i have saved it for later!
Now a days blogging is not a part time job. from part time it become now a full time profession. In future blogging will be the most powerful tools for digital marketing.
Nice this article very helpful. I found mobile app call task24 in playstore which is very helpful.It helps people to find small to big money earning task. Like for instance, I know to plumb, whenever any in my nearby create task related to this I get a notification and I can apply for a task. The best part is I can bid for a task.
Very Helpful content, Gonna try it Hope it works.
Tutoring in subjects important for exams, such as O\A levels and mathematics , is also often chosen .