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Manage Stress in Last 10 Days for CAT 2016 - Classi Blogger

Manage Stress in Last 10 Days for CAT 2016

CAT exam is held every year for admission to various colleges like IIM, FMS, S P JAIN, IMT, IIT etc. Candidates who want to make a mark in the field of business administration take this exam. It is one of the prestigious exams held in India. CAT is a computer based exam and it tests your knowledge and skill on solving logical reasoning, verbal ability, quantitative ability and data interpretation. CAT 2016 is slated to be held on 4th December 2016.


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As you know that there are approximately 10 days to the exam. So, in the last days, candidates tend to lose confidence and feel stressed. In this blog we are providing you with some solutions to cope with the stress.

How to manage stress in the last 10 days of CAT?

Stress management is one of the crucial factors that plays an important role in getting through the exams like CAT. Exam days and stress are inversely proportional to each other and you should dispense great care to it. Stress management is very easy and you should include it in your preparation list. Stress management helps to gain positive energy and it keeps you motivated and focused towards your goal till you have achieved it.

If you know how to manage stress then, CAT would not be a tough paper for you and you will enjoy the period of preparation. Here we are providing some tips which may help you cope with the stress while preparing for CAT 2016.

Stay motivated! Believe in yourself!

While preparing for CAT you should not consider it a mammoth task. You should think that every year hundreds of candidates qualify for CAT 2016, if they can do it I can do it too. Topics asked in CAT are not new to you. You have studied them in your school days, you need to contemplate on how to use your thinking, reasoning and analytical skills to crack the exam. To get motivated talk to successful people who have cracked this exam. Doing this, will help you remain motivated because successful peoplewiltell you how you can make it to best colleges. Watch motivational videos and talk to experts of their experiences about CAT.

Revision is the key!

In the last days of CAT you shouldn’t go for new topics. You should focus on revision and stick to your study schedule. Going for new topics may lead to a chaotic situation which will force you into depression. You should not lose grip on your strong topics. You should keep taking mock tests and assure that you don’t lose marks in the topics which you have grip on.

Clear your doubts!

You may have doubts in some topics which can be scoring. You should not hesitate to ask doubts. You should get your doubts solved from experts. Procrastinating your doubts will not lead you anywhere and when you lose marks while taking mock tests you will get stressed about that. A personal mentor plays a very important role in someone’s CAT preparation so that candidates can know how to manage stress regarding their doubts.

Refrain yourself from getting swayed.

It is one of the main factors which puts you under stress. You should not get swayed by someone’s preparation or mock tests’ scores. You will take your exam, not someone else’s exam. Your selection depends on you. Final selection will depend on D-day’s performance. You should just focus on your preparation and strive hard to get a good score in CAT 2016. Comparing your preparation with others will only feed negative thoughts to your mind. Stay positive and focus on your weaknesses and strengths.

Don’t let exam pressure take a toll on your preparation.

CAT is one of the toughest exams conducted in India but you should not let this thought take a toll on your preparation.  You should not think of it as something impossible. There may be times when you don’t get good scores in mock tests and you start studying too much owing to exam pressure.

You should always keep in mind you will not get totally seen questions in the CAT 2016 exam instead exam will test your reasoning, thinking, decision making skills. These skills require common sense. Once you get stressed your mind ceases to think properly. So rather than considering CAT 2016 a mammoth exam,consider it as an exam of common sense and you will find fun while preparing for the exam.

Nirmal Anandh M
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Nirmal Anandh
Hi, this is Nirmal Anandh M alias Muthu Vinayagam from the "Temple City", Madurai. I am the Founder of this blog. My profession is, as a CEO in ATHIRA Web Services. It's about Work From Home Jobs, Affiliate Marketing, E-Publishing, Data Conversion and Data Entry Projects. you can connect with me @ Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest , LinkedIn, Flipboard, Medium and Youtube.

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