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List of Spiritual Ashrams in India - Classi Blogger

List of Spiritual Ashrams in India


If you are willing to undertake a spiritual journey, then India is the best place to start with.  Here is the list of spiritual ashrams in india. If you decide to visit India, you will definitely come across most distinguished spiritual gurus and ashrams in India.

From Baba Ramdev who teaches Pranayama to Mata Amirthanandamayi, who takes you on a soul satisfying spiritual journey you will come across numerous personalities teaching the same art of living.

Even though the technique is different, the aim is similar in every ashram teaching the same art of living. In other words, they strive hard to make the people spiritually aware and contribute to the social good.

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Iskcon is the short form for International Society for Krishna Consciousness.  It is a branch of the monotheistic Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition within Hinduism dating back 5000 years to Lord Krishna Himself. Iskcon was founded by Bakthi Vedanta Swami Prabhupada.

The main purpose behind the Iskcon movement is to teach people the science of Krishna consciousness, as given in Bhagavad Gita(Hindu’s sacred book) and other age old sculptures. This movement is successful through the establishment of “Hare Rama Hare Krishna Iskcon Temples” all over India.

Teachings of Iskcon:

  • Developing transcendental pastime places dedicated to Lord Krishna.
  • Promoting humanity
  • Teaching the art of living
  • Propagating spirituality, unity, peace worldwide.

There are two types of devotees for this movement. They are congregational devotees and Full members.

Congregational devotees practice the movement’s teaching in the real life at home and work and then worship at congregational temples. Whereas, full members live at Hare Rama Hare Krishna temples and live an ascetic lifestyles of devotion.

To know more about this, visit

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2. Isha Foundation:

Isha foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Sadhguru Jakki Vasudev. The main aim of this foundation is to teach the yogic science for the physical, mental and spiritual development of an individual. It has approximately 150 centers worldwide and strives hard for the upliftment of destitute children, rural people and embattled women. Its main centre is present at Coimbatore, Tamil nadu.

Teachings of Isha foundation:

  • To teach Yogic science and meditation for all the ages
  • Action for rural rejuvenation
  • Isha Vidya which provide education for the rural children
  • Feel the inner silence and promote spirituality

To know more about this foundation and its other centers, visit the following link of Isha foundation.

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3. Mata Amirthanandamayi Ashram:

Mata Amirthanandamayi ashram founded by Mata Amirthanandamayi Devi(also called as Amma) sited at Amritapuri, in the backwards of Kerala. This ashram serves as a refuge from the Spitefulness that has become so widespread in today’s world. The sound of devotional songs and

Amma’s speech greets the visitors to the Anandh ashram. Amma’s simple talk will bring mind as well as soul together.

Teachings of Mata Amirthanadamayi Ashram:

  • To teach the truth that “The whole world is one family”
  • Inspiring quotes to live life successfully.
  • To cultivate divine qualities, and to understand spirituality

To know more about this ashram you can visit the following website:

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4. Osho Ashram:

Years after the death of Osho, the Osho ashram at Pune continues to attract people from all the corners of the world. It was found by Bhagwan Rajneesh. It is a perfect place not only for spiritual development, but also for the rejuvenation and relaxation.  People from different country often visit this ashram and practice meditation which takes place on a daily basis.

Teachings of Osho Ashram:

  • Osho believed that awareness, love, meditation, and laughter are the greater values of life. Thus, this ashram mainly teaches meditation which makes you realize the real value of life.

To know more about this ashram, you can visit the following site:

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5. Sathya Sai Baba Ashram:

Sri Satya Sai Baba is one of the most revered spiritual leaders of the 20th century.  From a young age of 14, he is working towards the welfare of others and guiding them in right direction.

The main ashram of Sai baba is at Puttaparthy and it is known as Prashanthi Nilayam meaning “Adobe of highest peace”.

Mission of Satya Sai Baba Ashram:

  1. Always respect other religions
  2.  God is one, but his names are different
  3. Good behavior and morality must be strictly followed in everyday life.

To know more about this ashram, visit the following site:

Having this lists of spiritual ashrams in India, those who wish to take a spiritual journey can readily take it in any of the above ashrams.

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Other than this, you can also visit,

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar – Art of Living Foundation

Asaram Bapu – Shri Asaramji Ashram 

Ashtanga Yoga Research Institute


Brahma Kumaris

Chinmaya Mission

Anandamayi Ashram

Ramakrishna Mission

Ashram of Ramana Maharishi

Shri Amma Bhagavan

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Nirmal Anandh M
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Nirmal Anandh
Hi, this is Nirmal Anandh M alias Muthu Vinayagam from the "Temple City", Madurai. I am the Founder of this blog. My profession is, as a CEO in ATHIRA Web Services. It's about Work From Home Jobs, Affiliate Marketing, E-Publishing, Data Conversion and Data Entry Projects. you can connect with me @ Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest , LinkedIn, Flipboard, Medium and Youtube.

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