A mudra is a symbolic or ritual gesture or pose in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. While some mudras involve the entire body, most are performed with the hands and fingers. Mudras which also helps to improve the health.
Image Courtesy: Arham Health Retreat
thank you for the detailed information
Thanks for sharing such an interesting article. I would like it
I heartly thanks to you for this blog.
Thanks for sharing such an interesting article
Thanks for sharing such an interesting article
Thanks for sharing such an interesting article
I am sure these Mudra or hand signs mean nothing and has no connection to energy whatsoever. However, I like other contents on your blog.
Try these some mudra and say whether its working or not. Without doing we won’t get any result.
Hello, Nirmal Anandh thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. Our India have golden knowledge about the body and mental health likes mantra, mudra, Ayurveda, vedic, herbs and many more.
I have a lot of things from your post. I will start Yoga from Tomorrow from Tomorrow after reading this post.