Money Making
Looking for jobs that an individual could do used to be a “stuff” of scanning the weekend classifieds in order to generate some income. However, for today, thanks to the internet- exposure to home employment opportunities has finally exploded!
There is a wide range of jobs such as advertisements, web designing, blog/article writing, content wring, web designing, SEO, virtual assistance, and much more that are just a mouse-click away from you.
Nonetheless, there are also lots of people who are relentlessly dreaming of beating the employment odds and starting to earn a living from their home comforts. Survey from the companies that offer the home-based income generation, virtual careers and training programs attests that individuals commonly involved in home-based and virtual careers include:
- People with different disabilities who can hardly manage to move away from home
- Parents who wish to spend much of their time with their children
- Students who look for extra income on their own for their pocket money
- Retirees who need a supplemental income
However, it could seem to be difficult and tiresome for the students and parents who have to simultaneously work on tight schedules between their studies, home-based tasks and the paid job. This is because most of the jobs would require uninterrupted environment, and so they have to walk on tightropes of fixed schedules. For part time work jobs, there is no need to worry- just pick on projects with favorable deadlines.
Once you have the knowledge and skills of writing and designing, as well as the ability to communicate fluently, there are lots of jobs for you online. The only resources you need are the internet and PC or laptop- then you are ready to start making money. The jobs could range from virtual assistance, translation, web design/development, travel agency, call center representative, technology specialist assistance and much more.
Also Read: Important Books to Make Money Online
Blogging Tips and Tricks
What is the topic and the theme of your blog, or simply what is it all about?
Whatever your blog is about, try your best to make it stand out of the crowd, and ensure it is you who is speaking with all passion. The fact is that by the moment you are going online to make your blog posts, and regardless of the topic of the blog, there are trillions of other blogs on the same topic. So, how do you make yours to attract more online traffic?
- Create catchy headlines: Regardless of how great your content/blog may be, it will matter minimally to the readers unless you put up an amazing headline. This is because people only have a fraction of a second to decide on whether to click your post or not- the catchy headline will do it.
- Keep the blog short: Always design your blogs as short as a 1—2 minutes read. This will enable quick readers to have a grasp of your ideas.
- Write and post for yourself: First and foremost, ignore that everyone else will be reading what you have written- simply focus on your thoughts, opinions, ideas, and try to figure out on how you can put them in words.
- Love your prevailing readers: One you have written and put your ideas correctly, never get too much obsessed by finding new readers- get to love your existing readers. Loving your readers is one of the strategies for knowing your audience better.
- Get quick ideas from your audience: This will help you create blog posts that are able to answer the most interactive and interesting questions from your target audience across the internet- most preferably from the social media.
- Understand your audience: It is advisable to understand your intended audience more than they understand themselves. This would literally mean that you serve to be a member of every tribe, race and origin. Understanding all groups (audience) thereby assists you grasp the overall idea on what the blog content should be.
- Give off stuff: Give away concrete contents that improves or adds value to people’s lives “until they get crazy” and they will become your loyal fans.
Strategies for an Effective SEO
Search Engine Optimization has become an essential part of online startup strategies. It may as well have a substantial impact on the success of a business. If you actually wish to achieve your goals and meaningful success online, all you need to do is to be smart on you business’ SEO, and its campaign is what you opt to think about. So, how do you campaign and make your SEO effective?
- Ensure a powerful presence of your business on the social media. Start and develop a social media campaign in order to inspire you business’ growth and give the benefits of your SEO. Once on the social media, every comment, like, share, retweet, or mention, is known as a social signal, and each signal is an essential indicator of an effective SEO and its strategies.
- Start a blog and always update with unique contents. Once the blog is on the business’ website, it is to be updated regularly with fresh contents.
- One of the most important SEO factors is the On-Page Optimization of your site. Without an on-page optimization, your business site might not be able to achieve the intended results from the link building and social media.
The author is an expert freelancer, adroit in article/blog writing, e-book writing, ghost writing, as well as professional writing. She drafts several online publications, alongside other written online products. She has been a writer to the for quite some time, producing high quality and grammatical-error free essays.
She is a dedicated writer with high levels of creativity for unique products. Ample about her, she is a quick learner who is always ready to learn and explore other fields of writing. She loves making her clients happy and satisfied through production of excellent products.
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Hi Anandh
Blogging is one of the most successful way of earning money online. You just need to follow a proper strategy to sell right product to right target audience and make big money with your blog.
Thanks a lot for sharing this amazing post of huge value.
Hi Muba,
Yes Of course.
Blogging is the best way to earn money through online, but we have to follow certain rules and strategy. Following rules is very tough for our people nowadays.
Anyway thanks for coming and dropping your comment here.
Keep coming muba.
Hi Anandh,
making money online is a realilty!
I know it, because I am earning a good income since some time already.
I started back in 2010, and I learned a lot since then.
I believe that knowing how to use the right resources to monetise your blog is the key.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Erik,
Earning money from blogging is not an easy task, it will be easy when we have passion. Congrats and I Wish you for earning more and more from your blog. Yes, monetize the blog is great key to get success.
Thanks for your comment erik. Keep coming.
What you said here is really true. Giving away stuff (which you can get from sponsors by the way) will really make your blogs more engaging for your readers. And we all know what interested readers mean right.
Giving and receiving. That’s all it is really.
I have some questions to ask the author. May I know who she is? Thanks.
Yes, earning money from Blogging is really a tough one. But the way in which you explain about blogs, websites using simple language is much appreciated.
I’m glad you enjoyed the post! It’s always great to hear that you found the article useful and helpful. Thank you for taking the time to read and share your feedback; I appreciate it!
I appreciate your positive feedback on the post! It’s wonderful to hear that you found the article useful and helpful. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
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