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How to Be a Productive as a Blogger - Classi Blogger

How to Be a Productive as a Blogger

Just because you can write on your first day as a blogger, doesn’t mean you can hit the goldmine right there and then. Blogging isn’t just about writing; there is also the guest post, commenting on other blogs, e-books, social media and more. As you can see, there is a lot more on your plate than you can imagine.


If you let up in any way, you will not make it as a productive blogger. Blogging has grown out of the “part-time” and has transcended into a more lucrative field.There is a lot of plus to blogging. You can make a decent sum aside from your full-time job. Nothing wrong with turning a nice dollar with this now is there?

So here’s how you can make the most of your blogging life.

1. Maintain A Good Schedule

Not everyone is a morning person. Sometimes, people prefer to get up later in the afternoon to start their shift. That is why it is important to set up a writing schedule. Look into the hours that you feel most motivated and productive and the construct your schedule around that. Whatever time it is, be sure that it is where you can get the most work out of.

2. Time Management

Apart from sticking to a schedule, you need to manage all of your tasks in the set time frame allotted for the day. Do all of these tasks based on their priority and have them finished before the day is done. You can set up reading time right before bed and then set your mornings for article writing.

You should not be wasting time by going on social media and checking your emails. Instead, you should use that time for more creative work.

3. Just Keep Writing

Getting started is merely the tip of the iceberg. You need to sharpen your craft a little more before you can make it to the big leagues. It’s not that you’re not in the right mood to write; it is that there is no great idea coming to mind at the moment. The trick is to keep writing until something pops up.

It is like exercising; every time you write, it will be even easier to do so.

4. Watch Youtube Videos

If calling YouTube a hub for entertainment is what you’re going to roll with, then you are seriously missing out. You can get all kinds of great information from video tutorials on several topics. Have a look at videos that talk about blogging, SEO, driving traffic and more. Then when you’re not writing, you can watch some videos for leisure and relaxation.

5. Get Rid of Distractions

There are some writers who have already gotten used to the noises from television, radio and even getting pulled in by social media. But there are those who prefer to concentrate with all the silence in the world. If you are one of them, then it would be best to move to a more quiet location.

If you’re a social media person, then try to muster all of your willpower to resist checking your updates and put the notification sound on silence. Better yet, you can cut yourself away from those things to stand a better chance.

6. Construct An Outline

As you get into the habit of writing, there will be greater ways to write your content. You will be able to flesh out more content for your articles. But in doing so, it could make your writing a bit tedious. That is why it would be best to divide the body of your content into various categories.

For example, if you are writing a 1000-worded article about writing tips, you should divide it into ten parts. That way it will seem as if you are writing over 10 articles of which each of the points consists of 100 words. It will also make your article look even neater and presentable.

7. Use Productive Apps And Tools

Chrome has, by far, the best assortment of apps that will enable you to write more fluently. It consists of apps such as:

EvernoteThis is an app that will help you organize all of your cluttered up ideas in a way that produces a clearer image. Get control of all the information you find online and keep it safe in one place.

StayfocusedAs its name implies, this app specifically blocks every online distraction such as Twitter, Facebook and the like, allowing you to focus on nothing else but your writing.

That should be enough to help you start a productive blogging career of your own.

Author Bio: Kendall Jenner works as a Freelance Blogger for Dissertation Club. As a pro blogger, she understands the essentials of successful blogging and never shies away from sharing them to other bloggers.

Nirmal Anandh M
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Nirmal Anandh
Hi, this is Nirmal Anandh M alias Muthu Vinayagam from the "Temple City", Madurai. I am the Founder of this blog. My profession is, as a CEO in ATHIRA Web Services. It's about Work From Home Jobs, Affiliate Marketing, E-Publishing, Data Conversion and Data Entry Projects. you can connect with me @ Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest , LinkedIn, Flipboard, Medium and Youtube.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hi,

    Being productive is the key to be successful. Learning, improving, writing, monetizing and sharing are the important factors in the life of a blogger.

    The more a blogger learn the more advance techniques he/she can implement on his/her blogs.

    Your tips are always remarkable.

    Keep sharing more


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