The eighth instalment of the Fast and the Furious franchise Fate of the Furious will hit our shores in April. A lot of excitement and buzz has been created by this new movie and rumour mills are working overtime. This is the first time that the movie will be set in the Big Apple, New York City. The previous films were set in various locations, among them London and Dubai.
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The Fast and Furious 8 will also be set in Cuba, if reports are to be believed. But by far the greatest strength the movie will boast of is its cast. We list out a few of the big names who will ultimately turn the movie into a super-sized success.
Dwayne Johnson:
This wrestler-turned-actor will look to ensure that the accolades he has received for his past roles are lived up to. We have rarely seen a more dedicated actor. He does not always rely on his physique to swim through his roles though: he has a certain charm under the tough exterior he projects so well.
He will play a Diplomatic Security agent in the film, making his role a rather action-inclined one. We expect fireworks from 'The Rock'. The best thing to watch out for will be his renewed rivalry with the character of Jason Statham.
Vin Diesel:
We loved him when he voice-acted for his Groot in 'Guardians of the Galaxy'. That movie is also set to have a sequel this year. His action films used to be his strongest roles and we had forgotten of his sensible cameo in the 1998 film, Saving Private Ryan.
We expect the actor to be menacing in this film as well. It is a known fact that his XXX-The Return of Xander Cage will also release this year, making him apparently redouble his efforts to hit the gym. His baritone, his mannerisms which are often bordering on the brutish and his swaggering attitude will all be on show in the film.
Helen Mirren:
Nothing we say of this greatly respected actress is enough. This Oscar winner will portray an as-yet-undisclosed role. Dame Mirren is known for her grace and dignity. We have seen her kick ass previously in the movies ‘Red’ and its sequel. We have also seen her portray a tough-as-nails army officer in 2015’s ‘Eye in The Sky’.
Jason Statham:
We know him from the Transporter trilogy. However, merely labelling him an action hero will be unjust. We saw a different side of the actor in Guy Ritchie's 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels' in 1998. He has an uncanny ability to mouth one-liners and is witty as well. Expect him to be the eye-catcher of the film.
Kurt Russell:
We can hardly add anything to this legend’s bio. He is famous for his portrayal of Snake Plissken in the 1981 film, Escape From New York. His role will continue as Mr Nobody and will bring both gravitas and humour to the film, besides his charm.