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7 Free Online Writing Tutorials You Need to Check Out - Classi Blogger

7 Free Online Writing Tutorials You Need to Check Out

Writing has always been an extremely useful craft. It comes in handy in every walk of life. With the advent of social media, the pressure to write concise and attractive content has gone up exponentially. Additionally, people with a love for literature often dream of writing their own novels, stories or articles.

7 Free Online Writing Tutorials You Need to Check Out_classibloggerimage credit:

Unfortunately, not everyone is a born writer but has to hone this skill. However, there is no need to worry about your lack of writing skills because there are many free online writing tutorials and classes that one can take in order to polish their writing skills. Some of these programs are mentioned in this list:

1. “Advanced Writing” (University of California, Irvine)

This free course would help make your writing more professional and hence more competitive. This course will help you get a freelance writing job in the future. The issue of plagiarism is also covered in the course along with the solutions to avoid it by using the proper citation methods like MLA and APA.

2. Writing in the Sciences (Stanford)

What could be better than a free course from an Ivy League University? What’s more, this course is self-paced, so you can take classes when and where it’s convenient for you. This course is practically focused on how to teach scientists to become better writers. 

There are tips and tricks for writing and publishing faster. Even if you are not interested in the science field, you can still benefit from this course within the first four weeks.This course is dedicated to training students regarding the basics of effective writing.

3. Storytelling Fundamentals: Character, Conflict, Context, Craft (Skillshare)

This course comes with a free one-month trial. It’s specially tailored for those aspiring writers who have trouble making a story come to life. Even when you are a professional writer, you are always doubtful about your writing and ask yourself if it is as realistic as it could be.

How does one actually go from the narrative of a story idea to the heartfelt, execution? The famous urban fantasy writer Jose Older gives 40 minutes of sessions on how to conduct a fantastic storytelling experience for your readers.

4. Content Curation: How to Create a Viral Site from Scratch: (Skillshare)

This book again comes with a one-month free trial.This program gives you tips on how to create your own site like ViralNova. Such sites can earn you about six figures a month and can sell for several million. It’s a win-win for those who like to write and want to make lots of money by doing so.

5. How to Succeed at: Writing Applications (University of Seffiel)

This is a three-week long program which is again free of charge. It focuses on the writing that almost everyone has to perform at some point of time in their lives. Writing CVs, applications, online profiles, or a personal reflection for a college or job application; all these can be daunting tasks. This course will help to polish your skills in these areas.

6. Stunt Writing for Personal Growth

This class is inspired by the saying “Do one thing every day that scares you” (Eleanor Roosevelt). Basically, it takes this quote to heart by teaching writing in a way that it makes you know more about yourself and thus know better how to tell your own experiences to the world.

As we know that writing is all aboutwriting what you know and this course helps you do exactly the same. The course gives prompts, readings, discussion and lectures for students of all ages and writing levels.

7. Writing for the Web

There is a gulf between writing for print and writing for the Internet. The reason is simple: those who browse the Web have different needs than those who actually sit down with a book or magazine. This course shows these differences to writers so that they can cater to the demands of online readers through strategies of design, writing structure, style, and SEO content.

Learning to write for the web will probably make your writing a more lucrative business than if you were to stick to print.

There are hundreds more courses online that you can probably attend for free. If you need to study something specific to writing, simply do a web search for potential courses. There are courses that will polish your grammar skills as well as increase your vocabulary, and much, much more.

Author Bio:

Catherine Daisy is a Professional Writer and Blogger. She is also an expert content writer who specializes in assignment help and provides her insightful knowledge and analysis for any subject. Her other interests include botany, gardening, and writing.

Nirmal Anandh M
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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Hey Nirmal,,
    Really an amazing article to go through for enhancing the writing skills…. Your article will rrally help the writere to polish thier skills whcih will help them in earning handsome amount of money…
    Thank you for Sharing..

  2. Hello Catherine,
    Amazing tutorial to read for content writing….. Your article clearly explains the matter and the ways to improve the writing skills.., Your article will really help out bloggers to make their writing skills better and more seo friendly.
    Thanks for sharing

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